
Pearl International School



The Greenfield Daycare program includes preschool and post nap time, meals, and evening activities. Learning is a dynamic process that occurs throughout the day, thus the child needs to be engaged in meaningful, playful, and joyful learning experiences. The Daycare program has been carefully designed for the students. Children are constructively engaged and involved in different explorations before returning to their parents.


At this stage the child needs to develop and prepare for everything that is to be found in school, following a normal routine, communicating in a large group, paying attention for long periods of time, eating alone, making friends, taking care of their physical needs, taking care of their belongings, dealing with strangers, reading and writing etc. At Greenfield, we understand that young children thrive and learn most when they get undivided attention and the right stimulation. As a parent, you can be assured that our inclusive, engaging and interactive learning environment are able to adapt to your child’s specific learning and development needs.

After School

The Greenfield after-school program provides opportunities for children to explore and learn new skills after their school time. In our endeavour to ensure that children develop knowledge and skills, our after-school program offers homework support and efficiently curate activities to enhance their language skills, writing as well as reading skills.